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Clackamas River Water Public Records Request Form

Download and mail in the form, or fill out the form online below!

FORM A - Public Records Request-rev 11.14.17.docx

Please Read The Following Statement And Fill Out The Form Below To Submit A Public Records Request

Note: Public bodies are required to make available for inspection and copying, subject to any applicable exemptions, only those records that exist at the time of the request. Public bodies are not required to create public records where none exist.

Public records are writings containing information relating to the conduct of the public's business. Writings include handwritten, typed, photographed, electronic or otherwise recorded words, letters, pictures, sounds, symbols or combinations of any of these mediums (ORS 192.410). There are numerous exceptions to the public records laws which allow a public body to refuse to disclose public records (ORS 192.501, 192.502).

CRW may need up to five (5) business days to initially respond to your request. The first contact from the General Manager, or designee, will be to advise of the estimated costs involved in fulfilling your request, which MUST BE PREPAID before any further work is performed in completing your request.

No public record request will be processed absent prepayment of the estimated cost. Once paid, the General Manager, or designee will contact you 1) when the records you requested are ready for review; or 2) to provide a date when the records can be reviewed or picked up; or 3) to confirm the copies are to be mailed; or 4) to advice that the request is being denied. If CRW denies your request to view public record(s), a written explanation of the reason of denial will be forwarded to you by the General Manager within a reasonable amount of time.

Full payment of the total amount of costs incurred is required before the public records are inspected or copies are released. You will be required to pay the costs of processing your public records request even if no records are found, or if the records are exempt from disclosure.

Most records available for public inspection are CRW property. Nothing can be altered, added, or removed from these records. Photographing documents is not permitted. Allowing the inspection and/or copying of public records in the custody of CRW is not meant to waive or restrict any copyright, proprietary, confidentiality, privelege, exemption from disclosure, or other rights in said documents.

I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND ACCEPT THE ABOVE CONDITIONS in accordance with Clackamas River Water's Public Records Request Policy
Confirm e-Signature
Read our Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure
Streamline Verify

Requestor Information

Please provide up to ten (10) word specific identifiers; subject; date or range.
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